How do you see it?

ImageMy son bought his first car yesterday. Things were busy at work, so I asked him to do his best to fill out the paperwork, buy the insurance and call the seller to arrange a meeting. He was overwhelmed at one point by all of the forms and called me just when I was starting a global conference call. I calmly answered his questions and encouraged him to press through and come see me when my call was over.

A friend of mine has introduced to me the idea that we can choose happiness. It’s not a new idea, but it is a challenge. The test for me is this; do I believe that God is good, loves me and is for me? Do I believe that everything I go through is His will for me? My friend suggested that I greet each circumstance in my life with the words, “This is perfect.” I scoffed when I first heard him say this. Then, I tried it. Happiness is a choice.

The picture I’ve attached is a test of our point view. There is an old woman and a young woman drawn here. Will you see your life as troublesome or a feast? Will you surrender your life to God’s will?

Change your mind.

Proverbs 15:15 For the despondent, every day brings trouble;
for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.

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