Correct me if I’m wrong, but . . .

as-long-as-im-with-jesusA couple of years ago we had a long road trip to make so, I bought a couple of CDs that I thought would be fun to listen to on the ride.  I knew who would be in the car with me so, I didn’t have to worry about complaints when I pulled out Michael Jackson’s greatest hits and the compilation “Now that’s Motown!”.  As I listened to the lyrics of the songs selected for the Motown compilation I noticed that the large majority of the songs were not “happy” songs but, songs about heartache and breakups.

One song that wasn’t on either of those albums but, was a huge hit has the lyrics “If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right” and asks the question “Am I wrong to fall so deeply in love with you? Knowing I got a wife and two little children depending on me too?”  I want to answer the singer, “Ummm, ask your wife and you probably won’t get the response you’re looking for”. So, it’s probably true that anyone starting a statement with “Correct me if I’m wrong, but . . . ” is not looking for advice.

What is powerful is the acronym H.O.W. which stands for Honest, Open and Willing.  This acronym was introduced to me at a time when I needed to make some serious changes in my own life.  Even as I type this out I realize that there are more ways to grow that will require my honesty, openness and willingness to change.

God is the originator of new.  When He came in the form of a man He came to bring a new life to anyone that would receive Him.  The cross of Jesus is the place where we’re offered an exchanged life.  When we die to sin and offer our lives to Him, we are raised to life with Him for all eternity.  God loves you and has the best intentions for you.  Be honest with Him.

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